Hungary’s AI Strategy: Lessons for Indonesia’s AI Legal Framework Enhancement
Hungary's AI Strategy, Indonesia, AI Legal FrameworkAbstract
This study analyses Hungary's approach to regulating artificial intelligence (AI) by analyzing their AI Strategy (2020-2030) and provides insights for improving Indonesia's legal framework. In Hungary, although there is no dedicated legislation for artificial intelligence (AI), the country places a high importance on adhering to current regulations to regulate AI technologies. This paper does a comparative analysis to evaluate the influence of Hungary's approach on the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI), the methods used to enforce regulations, the ethical principles followed, the safeguarding of data, and the extent of international partnerships. This research seeks to offer practical insights for enhancing Indonesia's legal infrastructure in the field of AI governance and technology regulation by comparing Hungary's regulatory landscape with Indonesia's current framework. The purpose of the research is to provide guidance to policymakers and stakeholders in Indonesia regarding effective tactics and best practices based on Hungary's experience. This will assist in enhancing Indonesia's regulatory framework for AI and technology
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